Tag: freelancers

How to find the right words [and write for business]
Knowing how to find the right words at any time can find anyone left staring blankly at white screen, cursor flashing. It’s enough to

Creating content: Craft meaningful messages for business content
Creating content is the ‘must-do’ that just about every business owner has on their to do list. Unlike bookkeeping and the quarterly

The value question: How to answer it [as a freelancer or business owner]
A recent conversation with a fellow freelancer raised the question of value. Just how does a freelancer demonstrate their value? Most are working

There’s no content team like your own [How to choose your content team + win]
Right back at the start of my foray into freelance content creation I made a discovery that has stood me in good stead ever since. Even before I

3 Surprising and essential tools for freelancers [Are these in your emotional toolbox?]
One thing recent months have shown me is the value of an emotional toolbox, both personally and professionally. Without doubt, working as a

Working with freelancers: Useful stuff business owners + technical people should know
The pressure to produce written and visual content to connect with customers means business owners have had to expand their repertoire. Pure